Have you thought about the legacy you will leave behind?
If you dislike being the center of attention, not only thinking about legacy, but acting on it as well, can be challenging and difficult. Thinking about what we might want to leave behind for others, whether it is material or non-tangible (e.g. words of wisdom, belief system) forces us to highlight what is important to us and it shines a spotlight on our values. To share that with others can be quite a vulnerable thing.
Your Legacy is a Gift
So, of course, taking action towards our legacy can seem daunting as well, especially when we start to compare ourselves. “I have nothing of value”, “No one is going to care”, “I am not exceptional…nor do I have great advice to share”...and on the list of thoughts go…
Along with other end of life work, not only putting thought into, but acting on what you would like your legacy to be is a gift. It’s part of your story and it strengthens that part of the invisible web that connects us all.
What Matters to You Most?
Don’t know where to start? Think of what matters to you most, what brings a smile to your face. Pull out some old photo albums or a picture and write on the back - who it is, what you were doing and any other notes you might want to add. It doesn’t have to be complicated. And it doesn’t have to be done all at once.
Perhaps part of your legacy is a material object, a handwritten letter or note, or maybe even a rock or shell that holds a memory of a great time shared. Legacy is not always a financial gift. In fact, legacy is love. Consider putting thought into and acting on your legacy while you are still alive. By doing so, you create even greater memories to cherish, which is more valuable than any monetary gift.
Legacy. Often that word conjures up an image of gifts of financial or personal property. That’s the first definition, according to dictionary.com. The second definition is. “anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.”
Why wait to become an ancestor?
What is possible if you re-define “legacy” as an opportunity to put down in writing your values and wisdom, your stories, maybe some of your history? What if it’s a chance to express your love to those who matter to you?
When you share who you are and what motivates you - what makes life worth living in these challenging times - you not only inspire others to action, but you gain clarity on your own life. You clear away the distractions, identify priorities, and are able to live much more in the present moment.
Here are some questions I’ve answered as part of my legacy:
What 3 things would I like people to remember about me? That I found absolute joy in the Pacific NW forest, being among the trees and plants, breathing in deeply the fresh air, watching the rain slide off a leaf or the sun break through the clouds. That I learned to look at life from a wide angle lens - to see the threads that connected what seemed totally random at the time, and that helped me to find a sense of purpose and peace. And that I believe that energy is constant, and though I am gone in body I am never far away.
What are some of the best choices I’ve made and why? Something led me to study Japanese in college and I chose to live in Japan for 5 years total - definitely one of the best decisions! I am lucky to have been able to choose to be a mother with a partner who fully supported our decision to parent together. I was able to be a full-time mom and give our children all the love they deserved. So many more in this area!
If I could leave resources to a charity, which one and why? I would support the prison hospice program at the Angola prison in Louisiana. The program is run by inmates and offers those both living and dying a chance to grow in compassion, something sorely lacking in the prison system. I guess compassion is another thing I would like people to remember about me!
Writing down your legacy is a way to create a link between the generations. You’ll feel seen in a way you may not have experienced. It could spark conversations if you share what you write now, or you can leave it as a template for your eulogy. That is a huge gift to your loved ones.